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Extra Peanutty Peanut Butter Protein Balls

Updated: Aug 29, 2018

Feed your muscles protein - plant protein to be exact. with these extra peanutty peanut butter protein balls.

A vegan protein power punch to feed your muscles. Get the filling satisfaction of plant proteins and the taste we love with peanut butter coated in more peanuts. The health benefits of nuts and nut oils along with body building proteins all rolled up into a tasty treat.

I made 9 protein balls out of the batch and worked out that they are about 95 cal each.

Only 3 Ingredients needed:

- 1 serving scoop of vega protein powder.

- 3 tbsp of natural organic crunchy peanut butter

- 2/3 cup chopped unsalted peanuts

Only 3 ingredients.

First, add 3 tbsp of crunchy all-natural organic peanut butter to a medium size bowl.

Place the 2 tbsp of peanut butter in a medium bowl.

Add a single serving scoop of vega protein powder to the peanut butter in the bowl

Add the vega protein powder to the peanut butter.

Stir the peanut butter and vega protein mixture with a fork until it becomes a dough ball.

Stir the vega protein and peanut butter until it sticks together to form a dough ball.

Scoop out 1/2 tbsp fulls of dough.

Use a 1/2 tbsp measuring spoon to scoop out the peanut butter balls.

Roll the dough in your clean hands into a small ball

Roll the 1/2 tbsp scoop of dough in your hands.

Dip the rolled peanut butter ball into the bowl of chopped peanuts.

keep rolling the dough and dipping into the chopped peanuts until the dough is all used.

I made 9 - 1/2 tbsp sized peanutty peanut butter protein balls and calculated they are about 95 calories each.

A good energy and protein punch your body will use for your next workout.

Make them ahead and save them for treats later, or share your dish of healthy extra peanutty peanut butter protein treats

See how I made them on my Youtube channel:

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